Christian-PenPals started out as part of Church USA Internet Ministries. James partnered with Beth and Jesse of the Pen Pal Connection Ministry, who have worked hard for many years doing the Lord’s work to spread the Gospel to those who are in prison. We believe that more can be accomplished through the Internet to expand this worthy ministry. We look forward to serving the Lord and winning souls using the Internet as a viable tool for the glory of God.
We are here to help prisoners, prisoners’ families, and chaplains. Prisoners have many needs, the greatest need is to know someone cares about them, to know they are loved. Our ministry is therefore focused on proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, His forgiveness, and His great love for them. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
We share the love of Jesus by providing a Christian pen pal for friendship and spiritual help to those who ask, and by networking with other sources of help for other needs common to prisoners. When prisoners come to know and follow Jesus, hearts are changed. The Holy Spirit gives them power to overcome sin and bondage, giving them a transformed life.
God is working and He has put CPP here to serve those who are incarcerated as Jesus compels us to do. We thank God for this privilege, and we do all for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom.
Pen Pal Connection is an extension of a ten year “mom and pops” ministry of corresponding. We have witnessed God’s working in the lives of prisoners through a one on one correspondence with a caring friend on the outside. Some inmates have no one; have never known real love. However, most of the inmates who contact us were raised Christian but rebelled and turned away. Friends and family often have given up on them and drifted away. God has them in a good place for His touch of mercy, drawing them to repentance. The men and women in prison are often searching their souls and looking for answers. This gives us opportunity to share Christ, knowing all answers are found in Him.
The ministry, Pen Pal Connection, was begun in 1998 after our son in the faith, Christopher, asked us to find a Christian pen pal for inmates he knew who needed someone to care about them as he had with Jesse and me. Eight years before, from his cell, he cried out for God’s help and God answered his prayer through us. He knows what a blessing and help it is to have someone in the prisoner’s life who cares about them. With this help and support, many inmates will find new lives with hope and use their God given abilities to be productive members of society when they are released. Others are crying out today, God hears their pleas and wants to help them – we know because He has put His love into our hearts for prisoners and other hurting people who need Jesus.
The Resource Directory was brought about in the same way as Pen Pal Connection in the Spring of 1998. Over the years of corresponding with those on the inside, we have collected some good and beneficial resources of organizations, groups, and ministries that offer services or materials to those incarcerated. However, many inmates are not aware of these helps so there was a need to compile them and make a directory available to prisoners throughout the USA. I solicited help from the prisoners we know and with their help, we compiled a list of of over 150 resources in many categories including advocacy, HIV/Aids, legal aide, spiritual growth, and family support. Later, I added more that I learned about from the Internet. We plan to keep this directory updated yearly so it will be current.
We began distributing the directory by snail-mail to the chaplains in the prisons, as far as our funds would allow. This is how we initially heard from prisoners asking for pen pals; we are listed in the directory. We now have the resource directory available on the Internet and hope it has wide distribution to the prisoners. We believe it is a valuable tool and will help in our goal to change lives for Christ. Please consider helping us by copying and distribution. By clicking on the directory button, you will find a link there for a basic black and white print edition. We ask only that it not be altered in any way, or be sold to prisoners, as we want it to reflect Godly counsel and its’ purpose. We thank all in advance who take up this task, however large or small the distribution. God Bless You!