
American Bible Society

101 North Independence Mall East FL8, Philadelphia PA 19106-2155.  215-309-0900.  Catalog of publications.  Free Bibles.

America’s Christian Newspaper

Christian Tabernacle Church, PO Box 747, Madisonville KY 42431.

“The Angolite”

Cashier’s Office, Angola Louisiana State Prison, Angola LA 70712.  Remarkable magazine for its candor about prisons.  Check for availability and cost (which may be around $20 a year).

Challenge Newspaper

PO Box 742, Lebanon OH 45036.  513-804-8818.  Helping Christians introduce people to Jesus.  Chaplains can order Prison / Spanish bulk editions and should provide prison population, contact name and address.


C/O St. Rose Peace & Justice, 140 W. South Boundary St.,  St. Perrysburg OH 43551.  419-874-1333.  Publishes writings for and by death row inmates.

Cry Justice Now

PO Box 473, Saint Louis MO 63166.  314-421-3020.  Criminal justice reform and support for those incarcerated, recently released or homeless.  Great newspaper needs inmate stories, articles, testimonies, poetry and artwork.

“Fortune News”

Attn. Inmate Subscriptions, The Fortune Society, 29-76 Northern Blvd, Long Island City NY  11101. 212-691-7554.  Free to prisoners.  Building people, not prisons.

Freedom Press

PO Box 384, Marksville LA 71351.  318-717-2948.  Inspirational monthly newsletter.  It’s short but well worth the read!

“Free Grace Broadcaster” Chapel Library

2603 West Wright St, Pensacola FL 32505.  850-438-6666.  Quarterly digest of Christ-centered sermons and articles from prior centuries.  Available online.

Grace & Truth Magazine

210 Chestnut Street, Danville IL 61832.  217-442-1120.  Monthly magazine, gospel tracts and Christian booklets/tracts.

“Herald of His Coming”

PO Box 279, Seelyville IN 47878.  812-442-6200.  Published monthly by Gospel Revivals.  Interesting readings.  Various languages.

“Inside Journal” (Quarterly, English & Spanish, Men’s & Women’s)

Ask your chaplain to request free bulk journals by emailing  Prison Fellowship, 800-206-9764.

“Journal of Prisoners on Prisons”

c/o Justin Piche PhD, Dept of Criminology, University of Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5.  800-565-9523 or 613-562-5800 ext. 1812.

“Loaves & Fishes”

Lighthouse Publishing, PO Box 332, Bedford PA 15522.  800-313-1871.  Discipleship magazine includes uplifting stories, testimonies, puzzles, poems, Bible helps and writings from inmates.

Mennonite Office on Crime & Justice

Box 500, Akron PA 17501.  717-859-1151.  Offers many great publications that can help.

“Moriel Quarterly”

Moriel Ministries USA, PO Box 100223, Pittsburgh PA 15233.  412-321-6154.  Writings on God.

National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women (NCDBW)

c/o 990 Spring Garden St. Suite 703, Philadelphia PA 19123.  215-763-1144 or 800-903-0111 ext. 3.  Collect calls from incarcerated victims of battering accepted.  Various services and publications.

Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Dept. of Justice

810 Seventh Street NW, Washington DC 20531.  202-514-2000.  Ask for journal and to be placed on mailing list. Free.

“Prison Victory Magazine”

Bikers and race car fans!!! Need donations; Chaplains can order by bulk or subscription, write for price: CMI, PO Box 929, Bristow, OK 74010.   214-796-1119.

“Saved By Grace News”

PO Box 1242, Raymore MO 64083.  816-591-8500confirmed on other websites  Free monthly newsletter including prisoners’ testimonies, poetry, art and more.

“Seeds From the Sower”

Guido Prison Ministry, 600 N. Lewis St, PO Box 508, Metter GA 30439.  912-685-2222.  Free Daily Devotional and literature to prisoners.

“Truth for Today”

111 Robin Hood Dr, Forest City NC 28043.  704-245-6059.  Newsletter and Christian books.

“Turn It Up! Staying Strong Inside”

The Sero Project, PO Box 1233, Milford PA 18337.  646-642-4915.  Health/ wellness magazine for prisoners (single or bulk copies).  Supports social justice including HIV networks.

Victorious Living

PO Box 120951, Clermont FL 34712.  352-478-2098.  Quarterly magazine that delivers hope –  God’s life-transforming power. (They use Christian inmate writings)

World Challenge

PO Box 8930, Pueblo CO 81008.  719-487-7888.  Various resources.

“Yard Out”

Prisoners For Christ Outreach Ministries, PO Box 1530, Woodinville WA 98072.  425-483-4151.  Resources.

A dedicated group of people reaching prisoners with the love of Jesus