Broken Yoke Ministries
PO Box 5824, De Pere WI 54115-5824. 262-751-1128. “Into the Light”, restoration resources and healing from sexual abuse or homosexuality. Christ-inspiring hope for sex offenders.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
330 C Street SW, Washington DC 20201. 800.394.3366. Protects children and strengthens families. Lists organizations that support families of the incarcerated. Spanish available.
CRU Prison Ministry
20 Tower Way Suite 16, Newnan GA 30265. 678-517-7877. Campus Crusade for Christ BeyondBars ministers to prisoners and their families.
Keys Ministry
PO Box 97, Wykoff MN 55990. 507-352-4110. Jesus and Biblical healing for same-sex attraction, minor-attraction & transgender issues. Materials may be used for other addictions also.
Love Ones of Prisoners (LOOPS)
PO Box 14953, Odessa TX 79768. 432-580-5667. Christ-centered help for prisoners, ex-inmates and their loved ones.
Narcotics Anonymous World Services
PO Box 9999, Van Nuys CA 91409. 818-773-9999. Free addiction recovery material and services. Various languages available.
Osborne Association
175 Remsen Street Suite 800, Brooklyn NY 11201. 845-345-9845. Serving Prisoners, former prisoners and their families.
Prison Fellowship Angel Tree(TM)
44180 Riverside Parkway, Lansdowne VA 20176. 800-552-6435. Provides Christmas gifts, summer camp, sports camp for children of prisoners. Angel Tree(R).
Yokefellow Center
36 North Queen Street, Rising Sun MD 21911. 410-658-2661. Publishes quarterly “Yokefellow News” and helps prisoners with local groups.
Your Cry Has Been Heard, Christian Book
stock #93570X, PO Box 7000, Peabody MA 01961. 800-247-4784. Book by Beth Michael. 284-page paper-back collection of writings, many by inmates, former offenders, ministers to hurting people.
Christian Pen Pals
Jesse & Beth Michael, Executive Directors · PO Box 11296 · Hickory NC 28603 · · · Member of International Network of Prison Ministries ·