Are You Willing?

Are you willing today to do whatever the Lord may ask of you?  Willing to allow your will to become Gods will? Willing to deny your thoughts and take on the mind of Christ?  Willing to forsake anything that may hinder you from coming into total obedience to God?  Willing to lay your life down for another? Willing to remain in the background, and extend an arm to another, and help them to get placed in the front? Willing to deny all and follow after Christ? Willing to let man speak all many of evil against you, and still lift up your voice and say, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do?”

Now if the will of God is to be done through you, by His spirit, then we must first understand what His will is for your life.

    John 1:1-2 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” We see that Jesus has been here from before the foundation of the world.

    Genesis 1:26 says, “And God said, let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness.” Now at this time Jesus was not manifested in a form of flesh, but He was with His Father from the beginning. He willingly came as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.

    Jesus willingly came to give to all who believed in Him the power to become the Sons of God, who would no longer desire to do their own will, nor the will of the flesh, but to do the will of God, just as Jesus did.  He came to do what He had seen His Father do.

    John 1:12-14, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word (which is Jesus) was made flesh, and dwelt among us )and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

    Isaiah 1:19 says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of  the land.”

    Be willing my friend to do all that the Lord may ask of you. Nothing will Jesus thru His word ask you to do that will not bring you more into His likeness and into His image. We are looking forward to returning to the same glory that Jesus had with His Father from before the foundation of the world. He was willing to come, and He knew that when He had taken the keys away from Satan to hell, death and the grave, that He had won, and He would return to His Father, and back to His first state of glory with His Father.

    Now we are given this same opportunity, to complete the purpose and plan that God had ordained for us, and then we shall also return unto to the glory that we had with God from before the foundation of the world.

    Are you willing to reach out to some of the least of these, the men and women incarcerated  and lonely and forgotten, hated by most, unforgiving. Jesus died for them too and God is calling them to repentance and new life in Christ. They need Jesus; they need a friend to show them Jesus and His love and forgiveness – you can be that friend.

    You may get weary in well doing, but I want to encourage you to remember that the Lord said in II Cor. 12:9 -“My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” We become weak, and Christ in us, the hope of glory, grows and becomes strong.

    I want my outward man to perish so that my inward man, can be renewed and refreshed, and mad strong in Christ, and then I will be able to lift up my voice and give all glory, honor and praise unto God and give Him all the honor due into His holy name. For too long man has been taking the glory away from our Lord.  For too long men and women have praised and exalted the vessel that God used to bring forth the healing, or miracle.

    Today God is looking for willing men and women, who will take on no reputation, and look not for praise of men, and direct the men, women, boys and girls to seek the face of God, honor God, praise God, and to give another the opportunities that they need to grow and become strong in faith.

    So are you willing my friend? Willing to do all that God may ask of you? For He will be with you to bring you through. God will show His mercy thru you, and show His love thru you, and demonstrate His miracles thru you, for you will become the yielded vessel who will be willing and obedient to hearken to all that your Father speaks unto you.

    Remember friends, that Jesus willingly came to lay His life down as a sacrificial lamb for you and for me, and for others so that they and we could be reunited back with our Father.

    This process of a yielded life comes daily in so many different ways and takes on so many different forms. God has in His master plan, a test, a trial, a tribulation formed and molded just for you, to bring you to the place where you finally surrender, just as Jesus cried out in the garden, “Not my will Lord, but thy will be done.”

    Our willingness to say Yes to God, and to let HIM mold and make us, and our obedience to hearken and not become stiff necked and stubborn, brings us to the place where God can smile down upon us, and say, “Well done my faithful

    So let go and let God today. And know that His strength is manifested in your weakness, and His glory is being revealed as you die to your ways. So why not let God shine forth, and let Him take control this day and hour?

    Father, we thank you now for your word which you have sent unto us.  We ask you to accept us as we are, and help us Father to come to you as yielded and willing vessels to reach out to the hurting and lost people. We lift you up Jesus from this day forth, and cast down all fleshly thoughts and ways that have hindered your glory from coming forth.

Amen & Amen

A dedicated group of people reaching prisoners with the love of Jesus